Book Launch!!

51jVOu4kMKL._SX338_BO1,204,203,200_First of all I would like to send everyone my very best wishes for 2017.

I blogged a few months ago about a book chapter that I wrote for a book called“Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Working towards Decolonization, Indigeneity and Interculturalism”. As previously mentioned I am very excited that the book will be  available from January 20th 2017, you can find it on Amazon and Springer. In light of this a formal launch is being organised by the editors at a seminar in England on March 10th-11th 2017.

Please find attached a flyer with all details. If you are not able to come along but would like to be kept informed about the event and any activities that flow from it please follow the  hashtag #decolonizingteachered on twitter.

You can find the flyer about the launch here: decolonizing-teacher-education-flyer-final

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